Thursday, February 10, 2011

App Packet II

So, a couple of days ago we learned that our Application I (there are several stages to this process) was accepted and approved. This led to a huge wave of relief to me. If you know me at all, you know that I am a worrier. Luckily, I've heard this personality trait gets less and less with each generation.... Anywhoo, after I finished my happy dance I realized that the BIG packet would be on its way. We received it today. (Squeeeee!) And, yes, the packet is large and seems a bit daunting.

Our next steps are personal references, professional references, background checks, financial checks, a home study, and a whole lot more. I'm going now to purchase the biggest binder I can find to keep us as organized as possible.


1 comment:

  1. wooohoooo!!!!!

    I was in spreadsheet heaven tracking our documents!
